Orchid Vacation


Male Island


Male offers the best chance to see the Maldives away from the resort buffet and infinity pool. Overlooked by tall, brightly colored buildings and surrounded by incongruously turquoise water, Male is a hive of activity.

Andaman & Nicobar Island


Andaman and Nicobar Islands are popular for its exotic beaches, mangroves, uninhabited islands, volcanic mountain, and National Parks. Andaman promotes international wedding, beach resort tourism, and Eco-tourism. 

Sri Lanka

South Asia

Sri Lanka is a tropical island that dazzles visitors with its vibrant cuisine, stunning beaches, alluring landscapes and historical attractions. With scenic train rides linking many popular cities, here the journey is often just as exciting as the destination.

Bora Bora Island

French Polynesia

This iconic island is renowned for its stunning overwater bungalows, vibrant coral reefs, and crystal-clear lagoons, making it a dream destination for snorkeling and diving enthusiasts.

Santorini Island


Famous for its picturesque blue-domed churches, whitewashed buildings, and dramatic caldera views, Santorini offers a romantic and charming atmosphere along with breathtaking sunsets.

Maui Island

Hawaii, USA

 With its diverse landscapes, including pristine beaches, lush rainforests, and volcanic terrain, Maui is a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts. It also offers excellent surfing and snorkeling opportunities.